Cat. Lep. Ph. Brit. Mus. Supp. 1. 1136 a. Correbia minima. (Plate XX. fig. 21.) Correbia minima, Druce, A. M. N. H. (7) xv. p. 465 (1905). male. Head, thorax, and abdomen black-brown, sides of head, thorax and first four segments of abdomen with orange stripes ; base of palpi, cox, parts of femora, base of tarsi, and first two segments of abdomen below orange. Fore wing black-brown ; the boeal area orange except inner margin; a broad postmedial orange band, its outer edges slightly angled miners at lower angle ae cell and expanding to near tornus below vein 2. Hind wing blackbrown, the base and inner margin orange; the lower part of cell and area below it rather thinly scaled; the underside orange with medial black patch on costa; a joan black band narrowing to a point at tornus. Hab. VenEzuELA, Caura Valley (Kiages), 3 3. Hap. 24 muillim.